Amplify Gratitude ~ Free Audio

Last week I had the honor of presenting a hypnosis workshop to a class at the University of Maine on healing childhood trauma. As part of that experience, I took them on a self-hypnosis journey of gratitude and joy. I was able to isolate the 22-minute audio from the Zoom recording and make it available for reuse. I’m including it here for you to download. There are two versions – one with light background music and one without. It’s not a perfect recording, and the first couple of lines I speak are a bit loud, but otherwise, I think it works nicely. Any time you feel the need for a little gratitude amplification, put on your headphones or earbuds and give it a listen. If you do get a chance to listen to this hypnosis audio, please let me know what you think.

Sign-up for my email newsletter and receive a lovely 16-minute hypnosis audio for flourishing and flow.

Pattie Belle Hastings
Drawing Evangelist, Live Scribe, Visual Recorder & Facilitator, Professor, Artist and Designer specializing in innovation processes

Declutter + Create Sacred Space


Digital Detox: Dopamine Fasting