Deep Listening: Process + Practice

How to Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom Through Deep Listening

In a recent episode of the Sassafras Cast podcast, host Rorie Kelly interviewed me about my deep listening practices to access inner wisdom. I share insights and techniques anyone can use to cultivate a richer inner life and get guidance from their intuition.

Here are the key takeaways and actionable steps:

Create a safe inner space.

I emphasized that the foundation for deep listening is building trust and safety within yourself. This means taking good care of yourself, healing past traumas, and learning to feel comfortable in your own body and mind. Some ways to do this include therapy, meditation, yoga, journaling, time in nature, or any self-care practices that make you feel grounded and at peace. The more you can cultivate a loving inner environment, the easier it will be to access your inner wisdom.

Experiment with different techniques.

There’s no one “right” way to practice deep listening. Some people connect best through silent meditation, while others prefer guided visualizations, automatic writing, making art, dancing, or being in nature. One of the techniques I use is transcription software to capture my inner dialogue. The key is to try different modalities and see what resonates with you. Trust that your inner wisdom will guide you to the best techniques for your unique soul.

Practice sensing your body.

One powerful portal to inner wisdom is tuning into the sensations and messages of your physical body. I lead a simple practice of scanning your body and focusing on one area that calls your attention, whether a comfortable or uncomfortable sensation. Notice the color, texture, weight, and energy of that area. Then, ask if it has any messages for you and stay open to any knowing, images, or impressions that arise. The body holds tremendous wisdom, and the more you cultivate sensitivity to its subtle languages, the more easily you can access your intuition.

Release self-doubt.

The biggest barrier to deep listening is often not technique but lack of confidence. Most people have much higher levels of self-doubt than is healthy. My spirit guides said, “While a measure of self-doubt is healthy for an embodied ego, the levels at which most people experience a lack of trust and confidence in self is detrimental to their well-being.” If you find it hard to trust what you receive in deep listening, know you are not alone. It takes time to rebuild that muscle. Be patient and keep showing up for yourself.

Embrace the mystery.

Deep listening opens doors to experiences that may seem foreign or hard to explain logically. You might receive guidance from surprising sources, like the time I channeled my therapist’s departed dog. The key is to focus on the gifts of the experience rather than trying to definitively prove if it’s “real.” At one point, I said, “If you simply look at these experiences as the healing narrative, then it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not.” Trust that whatever arises is in service of your growth.

Start where you are.

You don’t need to have perfect trust or know how to meditate for hours to begin practicing deep listening. Start small and be consistent. Even sitting for five minutes and asking your inner wisdom a question counts. The more you show up with presence and openness, the stronger your inner connection will grow. As my guides said, the first steps are the hardest, but powerful forces support you and “relish any conscious connection.”

Ultimately, learning to access your own deep wisdom through practices as I described is a profound act of empowerment and service. My spirit guides shared, “If more people developed these abilities, the world would be a very different place. It would be driven from the highest good rather than the highest greed.” By committing to your inner growth, you contribute to the healing of the whole.

If you’d like support on the journey of deep listening, you can schedule a discovery call with me. For more wisdom and tools for personal growth, subscribe to Rorie’s Sassafras Cast wherever you get your podcasts. May these teachings help you connect with the tremendous wisdom and love within you.

Hi! I’m PB. I’m a certified hypnosis practitioner specializing in habit change, digital detox, divine finances, high performance, spiritual journeys, and more.

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Pattie Belle Hastings
Drawing Evangelist, Live Scribe, Visual Recorder & Facilitator, Professor, Artist and Designer specializing in innovation processes

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