Autumn Equinox Magick: A Home-Clearing Ritual 

As the wheel of the year turns and we approach the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, nature invites us to pause and reflect. This celestial event, marking the perfect balance between day and night, offers a unique opportunity to bring harmony into our lives and living spaces. Here’s a powerful home-clearing ritual designed to help you release the old, welcome the new, and set intentional foundations for the season ahead.

Before we dive into the ritual, let’s take a moment to understand the significance of the Autumn Equinox:

Balance: The equinox represents a perfect equilibrium between light and dark, reminding us to seek balance.

Harvest: Traditionally a time of gathering crops, the equinox symbolizes reaping what we've sown and preparing for the quieter months ahead.

Transition: As we move from summer to fall, it's an ideal time to reflect on what we want to keep and what we're ready to release.

The Home Clearing Ritual

What You’ll Need:

  • A broom (preferably natural bristle)

  • Seasonal fruits, flowers, or leaves

  • A candle in a color that resonates with your autumn intentions

  • Journal and pen

  • Sage, palo santo, or incense (optional)

Step 1: Prepare Your Space

Begin by tidying your home. Physical clutter can impede energy flow, so start with a clean slate—open windows to allow fresh air to circulate.

Step 2: Set Your Intention

Take a few moments to center yourself. Reflect on what you wish to release and what you hope to invite into your life this autumn. Write these intentions in your journal.

Step 3: The Cleansing Sweep

Starting at the back of your home, begin sweeping in a counterclockwise direction. Move through each room, directing your brush strokes towards the front door. As you sweep, recite:

“Out with the old, in with new cheer. Only good may enter here.”

Visualize stagnant energy being swept away, making room for fresh, positive vibrations.

Step 4: Energetic Cleansing

If you choose, light some sage, palo santo, or incense. Move through your space again, allowing the smoke to purify the energy. Remember to be respectful of this practice and source your materials ethically.

Step 5: Welcome Abundance

Gather your seasonal items – perhaps apples, chrysanthemums, or colorful leaves. Arrange them on your altar or in a central location in your home. As you do this, say:

“Autumn’s bounty, rich and sweet, bring abundance to all I meet.”

Step 6: Illuminate Your Intentions

Choose a candle color aligned with your autumn goals:

  • Orange for creativity and success

  • Brown for grounding and stability

  • Gold for prosperity and confidence

  • Green for growth and harmony

Light the candle and place your written intentions beneath it. As the flame flickers, visualize your goals manifesting.

Step 7: Breathe and Reflect

Open your windows wide. Stand in the center of your newly cleared space and take deep, intentional breaths. Feel the crisp autumn air filling your lungs, bringing with it new possibilities.

Incorporating the Ritual into Your Seasonal Practice 

This clearing ritual isn’t just a one-time event. Consider repeating elements of it throughout the autumn season:

Weekly Sweeping: Maintain the energy of your space with a weekly intentional sweep.

Refresh Your Altar: Change out fruits and flowers as they fade, keeping your prosperity corner vibrant.

Journaling: Regularly check in with your intentions, noting progress and adjusting as needed.

As we stand on the threshold of autumn, we’re reminded of nature’s constant cycles of release and renewal. We create space for growth, transformation, and magic in our everyday lives by aligning our homes and hearts with this seasonal shift.

Remember, the most powerful rituals are those infused with personal meaning. Feel free to adapt this practice to resonate with your unique spirit and intentions. May your autumn be filled with warmth, wonder, and abundant blessings.

What autumn magic will you create this equinox?

Hi! I’m PB. I’m a certified hypnosis practitioner specializing in habit change, digital detox, divine finances, high performance, spiritual journeys, and more.

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Pattie Belle Hastings
Drawing Evangelist, Live Scribe, Visual Recorder & Facilitator, Professor, Artist and Designer specializing in innovation processes

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